Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: async databases with SQLAlchemy
Lecture: Beta software: See the revisions doc

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0:00 I need to put a warning right in front of the beginning of this chapter. We're using the async functionality of SQLAlchemy to unlock the database
0:08 async behaviors in FastAPI. That's awesome, SQLAlchemy is by far the most popular ORM if you are excluding Django ORM, which is tied to Django,
0:18 of course. So it makes sense to use SQLAlchemy. However, as we already saw when we started the previous chapter about the synchronous version,
0:25 the async support is in flux, and we only have a beta version of the API to work with. Now beta, that's not alfa, that's not pre-release,
0:34 that's somewhat stable, right? But at the same time, it's not final. It's, there's no guarantees,
0:40 and it's only a step towards what they're calling the 2.0 version of SQLAlchemy.
0:44 So for that reason, we're going to have to use the beta version of SQLAlchemy. There may be some changes along the way,
0:50 so I wanted to point out that I've created this course revisions document just at the
0:54 top level of the github repository called revisions.md and my goal is to put any changes like you need to make this small code change, or warning,
1:03 we had to change this thing about the way we were working with any of the code
1:07 in the course. But the one that I think we're gonna end up potentially making changes or having any issues around is gonna be this part of SQLAlchemy.
1:15 Be sure to check this document. Right now, you can see it says initial commit no changes, and that's because it's just what we're recording.
1:22 But over time, there might be some issues we run into. I'll update the code in the repository.
1:27 Maybe you run into something. Create a github issue and let me know in the repository, and we'll keep this working will keep it fresh.
1:33 But in order to do this now, instead of waiting months or maybe years in order for the support to be fully there
1:40 we're gonna have to use the beta version. Who knows what's gonna happen in the future so just a heads up on that.

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