Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: View models and services
Lecture: Benefits of using view models everywhere
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Let's go look at our views one more time. We're just about there. We've got our account stuff going on here.
Account views with their various view models, and we've got the home view with it set up. And the package view going on here. These are all good,
but if we look here, there's this one we left this TODO. Remember that? Let's see one more thing to do with these view models that is
really, really valuable. So one of the things that you often want to do
is provide some feature, some functionality, to every single part of your application. Every template. It's just gonna be common across there.
So let's look at a really straightforward example that's over here in shared. I've got this login and register.
Well, guess what? What if I'm logged in? Do I still want to see login and register? No,
I want to see a link that says your account and a button that says logout. Wouldn't that be nice? So how do we do that? Well, it's really super simple.
Over here in Chameleon, you just say tal:condition, and then what? Like, is there a user_id?
Let's say that that's gonna be something we can get really cheaply because it's gonna come from the cookies, which is just a dictionary,
not from the database, which maybe would be more work. So instead of testing for a user, we're just gonna test for the user_id.
Maybe a better way would be, say is_logged_in, are logged in or has_account or something like that, right? Make it a little more abstract.
That would be nice to have. We'll say that we don't want. It's gonna, It's not the case. And if it is the case,
then we want to say, change these around a little bit. So if you are logged in, we wanted it to go to just /account,
and this is gonna say "Account" and this is gonna be/account/logout and down here it'll say Logout. That's great, right? Let's go and run it.
Mmm, not as great as I was hoping. Probably not as great as you were hoping either. What is the problem? without looking. It's
NameError: is_logged_in not found. Right there. It doesn't know what the heck that is. So what we do is, we go to our base view model and
it always pulls this and sets this. I'll say self.is_logged_in = False. And then maybe a comment, right. We'll set that from a cookie.
And it'll be really straightforward. So what's gonna happen is, the view model,
anything that is either this or derives from this is going to have that information. So every single view now should have that info there.
And what is our problem? Oh, I said case, didn't mean case. I meant condition. Somehow I got that, condition. Sorry about that.
I'm sure you noticed that and you were like: what is going on here? Condition, I said condition, but autocomplete gave me case.
There we go. Again, perfect. Now, right now, we said there's nobody logged in and notice if I go to any page on the site.
Always working, go over here to our ViewModelBase and just say True. And obviously you wouldn't just hack that and say,
of course, you're always logged in. What you would do is get that from user. But check it out. Now we have Account and Logout.
Have it over on the home page, we have it on this page and so on. But if we don't use the view models everywhere,
remember our about page? Crash! Again, all of a sudden, what is going on with our site?
Well, here's that NameError that I was telling you about. In this particular view,
that information our shared layout needed, didn't get what it was expecting. So it crashed, right? So these view models provide a really nice way to
send that information to everything as long as everywhere you use it. And if you don't need any details,
we can just say return the to_dict() or just the base, right? We didn't have to go create, like, an AboutViewModel here,
but by using it everywhere. This is working great. There's other ways to do this, the view models provide a really nice mechanism.
And if you're using them in most places, just use them everywhere and you'll be good. So back here that works, this one works,
everything works. Great, just one nice chance to show how this ViewModelBase provides
common data and common functionality for the entire template engine. Well that's it for view models. I hope you found this way of
partitioning our logic and data exchange into view models and services really nice way to keep
things like our actual view methods really clean. Create some
testable little classes that we can test in isolation and provide common functionality to the entire template engine.