Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: View models and services
Lecture: Adding HTML for package details
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Now I'm going to start again from existing HTML because, like I said, this is not a web design course, this is how do I do websites in FastAPI.
So we're gonna just look at some Chameleon and then go from there. This is what it's gonna look like, we've got our content details. Again
we're using our shared layout, as we will with basically everything. Here's our little hero section pip install such and such.
And if it's not the latest version, we're gonna do an equal equal the release version that's selected. Stuff like that.
Here's the summaries, the stuff along the side, and when you download etcetera, etcetera. So there's a lot of things that we're going to need.
For example, we need a package, which has a license, a package which has a description. We're gonna need whether or not it's the latest release.
Let's see over here. So what we're gonna do is we're just gonna go through and try to get this to run. We're gonna miss a few things
I'm sure. We'll then go back and update that as well. I'll just copy this for a second, that will give us the simplest path to do that.
Got a couple of things to import Starlette's Request, fastapi_chameleon's template.
And here let's just call this details, DetailsViewModel and let's call this details. Remember, the URL is going to be slash project,
wish it was packages and then it's some value that goes here. It was a package name. So the way we do that in FastAPI
is like this, we put it in here and we give it a type. This one is just a simple string. OK, so that means this is a required element in the URL.
There's no defaults and it's going to be a string. And because of the somewhat unusual naming structure here,
we need to set the template file explicitly. We can't just go with the standard convention. So what is it? It's packages/details.pt
Here we go. Now we don't have this DetailsViewModel. Again it's gonna have the same structure. So in the viewmodels like before,
the easiest thing to do is probably make a copy, make a new directory called packages,
and in there we're gonna make a new Python file called details_viewmodel. Go do it yourself, copy this one over. So this is gonna be
DetailsViewModel, and it's not gonna have any of this. A little placeholder. OK, so this is going to be our basic structure and
import that. We also need to pass over the package_name, right. So this is part of the URL. In order to get it, we're gonna pass it on,
so I'll copy this and put it right there. Perfect. We want to make sure they passed over a valid package name,
and that is not empty. The routing will probably do that for us. But what we can do is we actually want to make sure that not only is
this a valid name, but if we do a query against the database, we get an actual package back. What we're gonna do is gonna say
self.package is going to be package_service. And I'm gonna do a query, let's say get_package_by_id() And package_name is what we're using here.
Then, if we don't have any value for the package, we're gonna want to make sure that we return some kind of 404 and
so on. So we'll say, somewhere we'll say something like this, not that, return. OK, so we've got to write this function,
and right now this is gonna be a string.