Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Creating our first FastAPI *site*
Lecture: Chapter introduction

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0:00 Hey there. Now that we've got all that positioning and motivation out of the way.
0:04 It's time to start building. We're going to begin by building our first FastAPI site. In fact, what we're gonna do is going to take the site
0:13 and build it up and build it up and build it up over time. First, it'll be just a really simple site then it'll start having things like dynamic
0:19 HTML in templates and static files. And we're gonna add a database and all sorts of cool layers to make it realer
0:26 and realer until we end up with something that is very similar to what you might consider a full professional web application.
0:34 And the question is, well, what are we gonna build? We're gonna build something that I'm pretty sure you're familiar
0:40 with already. We're gonna build a clone of pypi.org for those of you don't know pypi.org is where you go to find Python packages and libraries
0:50 that you can install with pip, anything you can install with pip, as long as you used the standard mechanism, not some URL or something like that.
0:57 It's going to be coming through this central package index here. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna build an application that looks like this.
1:06 It's gonna have similar elements on the page. You'll be able to log in and register and get help and do other things as
1:12 well. You'll be able to go to a package and see the details. Many of the things you would do with pypi.org you're gonna be able to
1:19 do with our application, and we're gonna build this with basic FastAPI functionality
1:25 and a few cool libraries we're gonna add on to make it working with HTML even better in FastAPI.
1:31 So I hope you're excited. We're going to start small in this chapter and build
1:35 and build and build until we have something that looks very similar both visually and functionally to what we have here at pypi.org

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