Python Web Apps that Fly with CDNs Transcripts
Chapter: Fonts
Lecture: But it's an ad company
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So what's the problem with just using things like Google Fonts? Well, fundamentally, the problem is that at the very heart of it,
Google is just an advertising company. They buy and sell our information and they treat you as the product.
And so many of their services have been marketed as do no evil, let's get out there and just make the web a better place.
And not detracting the good work, that they have done for certain things, Many of these come with very subtle but negative trade-offs.
For example, did you know if you try to embed a YouTube document or a YouTube video onto your page,
that puts a whole host of tracking on top of your users? Even if you just link to the YouTube image from a YouTube video,
that puts cookies onto your users. And Google Fonts is the same way.
So while it might seem like Google is putting these fonts out to help us to make things better
so that everyone on the web, it's going to be free and it's going to be amazing, we're going to help you.
Oh, and by the way, wouldn't this be a great way to just track everyone?
So, yes, that's ultimately the problem is these services are being provided to us
by companies that are making this trade-off between web developers and Google. But that's not who's getting tracked, not really.
The people getting tracked are the visitors to the website who don't know anything about it. They're like, oh, that's a cool-looking website
I love its font. Oh, yeah. Did you know you now are being tracked? So check out this article
website find by German court for leaking visitors IP addresses via Google fonts
So short version even using something like Google fonts is a GDPR violation unless you explicitly
Let people know and make them opt-in and what are you gonna do if they say no? have the wrong fonts potentially,
but that's gonna be a design nightmare. So Google Fonts, not a great answer. Turns out we have a really good one for you.
This is not a negative chapter, I just wanna set the stage for the challenge here.