Eve: Building RESTful APIs with MongoDB and Flask Transcripts
Chapter: Fine-tuning your REST service
Lecture: Still a Flask app
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We saw how many features the Eve framework brings to the table and one very important feature you should never forget about is
that Eve still is a 100% Flask application. Let me illustrate, if you remember when we were doing the Flask hello world app a few lectures ago,
all we had to do was define a function return something, a string, for example, and then decorate our function with a route decorator,
and we need to pass the URL. So pure Flask RestFul dispatching at work here. But we're using an app instance of Eve class not Flask class
but because Eve is actually a subclass of Flask this is going to work, let's try and save,
server restarts, we go to Postman and we hit the local host 5000 hello endpoint.
Boom, hello world, and we're still getting all the features coming from Eve, right now we don't have authentication going here
but we only need to edit and here we go, and by the way, we're using Postman here but we could as well go back to our browser access
our endpoint, as we used to do with the basic Flask application. Of course, if we go and hit the people endpoint from the browser,
it works, but we need to authenticate, I don't remember the password, it was a secret, right, yes, here it is, well, hardly readable,
but rest assured, this is the same output we're getting from Postman. So full Flask power plus Eve features at your fingertips.