Eve: Building RESTful APIs with MongoDB and Flask Transcripts
Chapter: Fine-tuning your REST service
Lecture: Rate limiting
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Rate limiting is a very important feature that every Rest service should support. In Eve, you can set the number of requests
and the time window for each individual user for every single http method. If the request limit is hit within the time window,
the API will respond with a specific error status and that will continue to happen until the timer resets.
Users are identified by their authentication header or if it is missing by their IP. Rate limits are important because they greatly reduce
the risk of your service being slowed down by either a bug, client or a denial of service attack. Let's see how it works.
Rate limiting needs a redis server running somewhere I have one running here on local host
and the next thing you need, of course, is a Python client for redis which isn't installed by default with Eve.
So the first thing we need to do is pip install redis within our virtual environment. Done. And now that we have that,
we can go and from redis import the redis class.. Next, what we need to do is pass an instance of our redis class to our Eve instance.
Since I didn't set the host for the redis instance, it will connect to local lost, which is fine in my case.
Next, since now Eve knows how to connect to redis, we can go to our settings file, let me save here first, we can go to our settings file and configure
how Eve should behave with regard to rate limiting, So with this command, I'm setting a rate limit on the get method
the limit is going to be one request every 60 seconds. So you pass a tuple where the first element in the tuple is the number of requests
and the second is the number of seconds for every time window. If I wanted to set a limit for the post request, for example,
I should do something like this. So we have the option of setting a different rate limiting depending on the method
and also remember that the rate limit window is for every single user for every single method. Whereas a user is identified by the client IP
or the authentication header if authentication is used. Let's save these settings and launch our API.
Let's go to Postman and try a get request on a specific person endpoint. We get the person, if we go and check their headers
or the response sent by the server we see that there are three new headers we didn't see before, so the first one rate limit = 1
which means I performed one request within the time window, remaining zero, which, of course, means that
I don't have any requests allowed within the time window and this is when the window will reset.
If I try a second request, I get a too many requests error, 429. This is going to happen until the minute window resets, and if we look at the body,
we also get a rate limit exceeded message, that's a point the window will reset.
And now the time window has reset and I can perform a get request again. Now, if I go back to my headers, of course, I get a new time window
and if I try a second request within the new time window, I am again, blocked.