Data Science Jumpstart with 10 Projects Transcripts
Chapter: Project 5: Cleaning Heart Disease Data in Pandas
Lecture: Intro cleaning

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0:00 In this example, I'm going to walk you through cleaning up data.
0:04 Oftentimes you'll come across data that is not in a place where you can do machine learning,
0:10 modeling with it, or you can do proper analysis, so we need to clean it up. Let's look at what we need to do.
0:16 The dataset we're going to look at is a heart disease dataset. Our goals are to load multiple files. I'll show how to do that.
0:24 We will look at the columns and the types of those columns, and then I'll show you how to refactor a lot of this cleanup,
0:31 especially when it gets repetitive, and we'll talk about a complex issue that you might run into.

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