RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid Transcripts
Chapter: Conclusion
Lecture: Lightning review: API keys
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And then we said let's provide some level of authentication to our service and we said let's do that with api keys,
so we created this decorator called require api key and it follows the convention of our service which is to pass an authorization header
and then authorization header has a certain structure which includes that api key and our little function parse api key from header
it's not shown here but it goes and it grabs that from the authorization header value.
It says, look, if you don't have one, nope, 403, missing api key. It then uses that api key to look up a user,
and if there is no user there it says no, no just invalid api key, or couldn't find user, or something like that.
And then, if that all works, that means we actually have a user corresponding to that key they pass, so we stash the api user for later use
and then we actually call the function that we're decorating which in this case is going to be one of our api view methods.
So here's the implementation, hopefully the decorator stuff didn't freak you out too much and it kind of came across more cool than more complicated
but they do take a lot to wrap you head around. Now, if we want to use this, it's dead easy we can come over here and say here's a view
and oh this one requires an api key, and remember all autos will never even get called unless the user is already set and everything works,
so we can even come down and know that request.api_user is going to be set we didn't have to check whether it exists
because if it doesn't, we're not going to make it this far.