RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid Transcripts
Chapter: Conclusion
Lecture: Lightning review: What is REST?
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Now, before we put the wraps on this class and you go off to create your own apis, let's do a really quick review of each chapter;
so we started out the course with asking the question what is rest and we said there's a set of principles that these web services can follow
and the more of them you follow, the more restful you are, so one is to use http methods explicitly, endpoints are URLs not verbs typically but nouns,
you know, api/autos not api/list_autos things like that; it's casheable the get ones at least,
it's layered system, so you don't see beyond what you're talking to even if that calls, other services, stateless, at first that wasn't true,
but once we switched to the database totally stateless; it supports content negotiation, so that's using the except and content types in http
to say hey if you could give me png that would be better than xml, things like that, hyper media as the engine of application state or HATEOAS,
this is the one that we kind of pointed on and said you know, a lot of services really don't do this,
this is more of a pure web thing, and so this is a spectrum, and I think we've made it more or less to level
six not level seven, and that's fine with me.