RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid Transcripts
Chapter: Logging and monitoring
Lecture: Setting up logbook
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Now let's add logbook logging to our api. The first thing we have to do is actually install the logbook package and of course set it as a dependency
so down here we're going to want to put it there and let's go ahead and this time we're just going to pip install it
so we'll say go to the terminal make sure that our virtual environment is active and we'll pip install logbook,
great, it looks like that's going to work and we come down here and we're going to say loogbook, right,
so when we go to the deployment or we check this out on another machine we will run the setup, it automatically has all the dependencies, right,
we don't want to have to chase those down as run time errors. So we have logbook here, the next thing we need to do is
do a little bit of configuration, logbook is very flexible, and it can send the log messages in all sorts of locations,
I think what we're going to do is when we're running in development mode we want to send it to the console,
so we can just see it come out in the terminal there and in production we want to send it to a particular file
so let's go here and give us a key that we can use, or a value that we can look up about where this file is if we should use it
so we'll say logbook log file, something like that, now let's just leave it blank here in the development version,
and in the production version, let's go over here and we'll just say this is going to be the logfile.txt, something like that
remember to not put quotes on these, the green is already like the string value so the quotes will cause trouble.
Okay, so we have this, and let's go and then import this, and now we've got the little init db
that is very similar to what we're doing, so let's do an init login, like so,
so we're going to get the settings, and this time we're going to have log file and we wanted to just grab that value, which may or may not be empty
but we're going to go grab this value here, and then what are we going to do next well, let's create a special single module, whose job is basically
to set up all the logging for us, so we don't have to bloat our set of file here keep this nice and clean and readable,
so over in infrastructure, let's just create a logging bit and let's import it, in a nice and easy way
let's say import restful infrastructure logging as logging so we just say logging, that will keep it nice and simple,
so down here we'll say logging. let's say global this is kind what we did before, just global init, log file,
so this global init really means like you call it once at the beginning and that's it, we can use PyCharm to write this function, thank you PyCharm.
So now, over here, we're going to actually work with logbook, so let's begin by importing logbook, like that,
so what we need to do is we need to make two basic choices, one, what level are we going to log at,
and this might be something entirely reasonable to put into the configuration files and debug, we're logging a trace and in production
we're only doing warnings and above or something to that effect; so let's go over here and just set the level
so let's say logbook. we have notice, info, trace, notice in production, probably you would want to run info or notice
these are kind of higher level, and sort of the most broad one is trace,
so we're going to default the trace if it happens to be that we have a log file here and that would indicate we're kind of in production,
then we'll make a different choice for the level. Okay, so let's actually use the log files presence
to indicate whether it's in development mode of production mode, so we'll say if the log file exists, then we want to send this to a file somewhere
we'll come back to that, we'll do the simpler one first so if there's no log file, we're going to use this trace level
and what we want to do is we want to set up what's called a stream handler so we can say logbook and the stream handler will write to any stream
well, what stream do you think we want to use, how about standard out, right, so we're just going to log to where all the other messages go,
wherever print goes, so go our messages, we can set the level and let's just actually, let's move this in over here
different values in two locations we can just inline this like so, okay, not sure why we have the parenthesis, thank you PyCharm,
okay, so this stream handler we're going to need to create it and now what we can do is we can say I would like this particular handler
to capture messages from where, and so we use this push thing, we can push it to the thread local storage,
greenlets or globally within our application. So that's what we want to hear is to just say for the application run this
and we're going to do something similar up here, but we're not going to use a stream handler, we are going to use a different kind of handler
so look at all these different handlers, we got a gmail handler, a file handler, a rotating file handler, a timed rotating file handler and so on.
Even a fingers crossed, which is kind of an interesting one, so rotating would be once the file hits a certain size, make another copy of it,
like switch to a new file name, timed is I think a little more predictable like once a week or once a day switch to a new file,
so you have a log file for that day, that's what I use and I think it's really important because if you have a popular web service
you'll see that these log files can pile up really quickly, like on Talk Python we have gigabytes of text in these log files
and periodically we'll go and take the old ones and compress them and get rid of them, right, so having them based on time is really handy.
So we want this, and of course, it's going to have different values here
we're not going to send it there, we're going to pass in the log files, the first thing and then we're going to set the level, just like before
and this one, let's do this one at info, right, so trace and those kinds of things like really verbose stuff is out,
so either info or notice seems like a decent option here. And then, for the date format, we want this to go something like
%Y-%m-%d, something like that, so this is the format of the file, ok, so a timed rotating file handler for, if we have a log file
and if we don't, we're going to assume that it's just production. Ok, so this looks pretty good, let's just make sure app runs
and everything we've done so far is hanging together and we'll also do a little print here, print configuring logging with
and we'll do the log file, and let's do it like this, okay, so run it, are we actually calling this, that is the question,
so we created the function, but no, of course we're not calling it, unfortunately, there we go, now we'll be calling it, great, configure logging with
well nothing, right, notice up here that I actually have created a second run configuration,
let me pull that up, we have a dev which points at development.ini, and a production, which points at you guessed it— production.ini.
This is super easy to set up, you can go up here and add as many of these as you like, and you just pick the configuration file,
the working directory, and the Python interpreter to run it. So if we switch to production we'll be using the other configuration file
and now we're going to be logging with the text file. So it looks like our grabbing the value is working correctly,
the pushing, the stream handlers to the app worked great, now all that is left is to actually do some logging.