RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid Transcripts
Chapter: A nearly RESTful service
Lecture: Concept: RESTfully updating cars
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The most complicated method that we're going to work with in our api is the ability to update a car.
So getting cars, pretty straightforward, creating cars somewhat involved, but updating means we have to both get the car back
and make the changes to push it in there, so we have to be pretty careful here. Now, the first thing that we're going to do
is we're going to use the request and we're going to go to the matchdict and say give me the id that's in the url,
because we're doing a put of a json body to api /auto/ car_id so we need to know what car you are talking about;
grab that there, use the repository to make a quick check does this car actually exist, if it doesn't,
return 404, like hey there is no car with that id. The next thing we have to do is parse the body,
and as you saw in that last example when I made the json malformed, that can crash, how do we know a crash,
because we got the response 400 could not parse your json, your body is json and that's in the except clause there,
so you want to make sure that that part goes into a try except unless you're willing to take 500 when they send you a bad request,
which is okay, but it would be better to communicate like the problem is on your end, not ours, so please, don't bother us.
Then, we have to actually do the work, we're going to go update the car, and we want to return something,
so in this case, there is nothing really new about the car, other than what they have already told us,
there is no reason to send additional data back to them and say and here is the updated version, because guess what, they gave us all the updates.
So, what we decided to do is return a 204 status code which means successfully updated but no content. So, that worked out really well,
in the case of the post, we decided to use 201 created which is the best response for the post operation.