RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid Transcripts
Chapter: Course setup and tools
Lecture: Course requirements and tools

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0:01 I want to take just a moment and talk about the course prerequisites this course is best if you follow along, if you build these apps along with me
0:10 or even experiment on something similar, but not exactly the same as what I'm building.
0:15 So what we're going to talk about in this video is what you need actually to do that,
0:19 what tools do you need especially if you want to follow exactly what I'm doing. So first of all, we're going to need Python 3.5 or above.
0:27 Now, chances are any reasonably new version of Python 3 would be fine, but I want to make sure that we have at least that possibility
0:35 of using some of the 3.5 features, so make sure you install Python 3.5, and after this video, I am going to show you three other videos
0:44 that show you how to set up this and the other tools on Windows, on OS X and on Linux. So if that's new to you, then you can follow along on those
0:54 to see how to get your machine set up, but just know, you're going to need Python 3.5 for this course
0:59 and for all of the demos and the code which hopefully is a large portion of this course
1:02 it's going to be primarily you watching or working with me writing code not just a bunch of slides;
1:07 for those sections of the course I'm going to be using PyCharm, I think it's a very good tool for working with Python,
1:14 I think it's great at debugging, but it also is really good for web development,
1:18 for working with the HTML templates and javascript, and things like that, so this is a great tool and as we go through this course,
1:25 if you're new to PyCharm you'll see why, you'll see all the great things that it has to offer,
1:31 but if you want to just take them in a go I just want to solve this thing, what really is different about it, I wrote a blog post a couple years ago
1:36 called "9 reasons you should be using PyCharm" you can follow that link there, and go read them,
1:42 and that's touching on some of the reasons why it's good for this course, so if you want to fall along exactly with me, you can use PyCharm.
1:49 There is a couple options, the upcoming videos talk about it. When you're working with APIs it's really nice to be able to test them,
1:55 sometimes your web browser is good for testing them you can put the url into the browser and stuff comes out
2:00 you might see some json or something, that's fine for like a basic get but what if I want to do an http put request, how do you do that in the browser?
2:08 If I want to do an http put request and customize the headers I'm not even sure that's possible, maybe you can with the dev tools
2:14 but the browser is not really the best way to do it, you can do it in Python but you know you could do something like request or even curl,
2:21 but there's a tool that records your settings and it's really nice, runs all on all the platforms, called Postman.
2:28 So Postman is a free app that you can get, they have a paid version but the thing we're going to use is the free one
2:33 and you can get it, you can see the download is right there at and we'll be using this to consume the API as we create it.
2:41 Finally, make sure your github repo is set up so by the time you watch this video this repository here should be full
2:48 of all the demos and code that you've seen me write throughout this course, so right now make sure you visit
2:55 and star and consider forking this so you have all the code that we've written
3:05 and all the links and resources I put here as a permanent reference for you.

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