Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Accessing authenticated HTTP services
Lecture: Concept Authenticated SOAP services with suds
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If you are working with a Soap service, that has important business data and if you are working with Soap service
you are probably doing something internal in an enterprise, chances are it's going to require a username and password,
so I am going to show you now how to work with suds and add basic authentication to all of your Soap operations.
So we've seen that the way we get started with suds is we say suds.client and we import suds.cleint and we create a client class from that
and we pass the wsdl and then we just start calling operations, like all posts, update posts, and whatnot, well, if we want to add authentication,
we have to import suds.transport.http and then from there, we are going to create an http authenticated transport layer,
and we are going to set the username and password on the layer, then all we got to do when we create the client
in addition to passing the wsdl say transport= this new trends, thing that we've created, and all the subsequent operations
will be using that username and password. Remember you really kind of want to minimize the number of times
you create this client because it dynamically downloads and parses the wsdl, so you don't want to do that every single time, right,
you are going to probably do this once at the beginning, and reuse this client throughout your app, now, be aware if this was an https transport layer
so if the service lived at an https end point, you'd want to import suds.transport.https,
you want to create an https authenticated transport, things like that. So be sure to make that adjustment based on the transport layer
of secure versus insecure http, but add this little transport layer and everything works just like before.