Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Calling SOAP services from Python
Lecture: Concept: Using Suds
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All of the operations that we worked with in our soap service, took fundamental types, strings, integers, that sort of thing,
what if the operation, not only returned its own internal complex types, but actually took them as parameters, it's easy to work with them
when they come back from functions, they are already allocated you just start treating them as objects in memory,
but if you have to allocate one to input it into this method for example, how do you do that?
You can't just call some kind of initializer on it because well, it's created a runtime,
what are you going to do, okay, so if we want to use this post object back in this operation, now remember, this is not how ours works
but if this were the case, suds has an answer for this as well. Okay, so what do we do, again, we create the client just like before,
but now instead of going to client.service we go to client.factory, and it can create these objects so we say client.factory.CreatePost
and that does all the internal runtime stuff to allocate one of those with basically none values for all of the properties,
and then we can just set the properties, creating posts from suds is fun, it works in Python 2 or Python 3, and of course, it hasn't been seen yet,
it's brand new so ViewCount=0. Now once we have this rich type, we can use it as parts of our parameters,
and our operation so client.service.CreatePost and we are going to pass this rich object which will be serialized
into the Soap message just like the contract in this example.