Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Consuming RESTful HTTP services
Lecture: Concept: Creating a post with requests

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0:01 To create a post we do an http post, one is blog post one is a verb, an http post against the general blog collection,
0:12 so we do an http post against api/blog and the body of that post is a json document
0:18 containing all the details we want to use as part of that post creation, the title, the content, things like that.
0:25 Then what comes back is the actual thing that the server created, so it inserted into the database, which generated things
0:31 like the id and other potential values and it sent that back for us to continue to work with in our application.
0:38 Now, throughout the rest of these concepts in this chapter, we are going to assume that we have always written import requests
0:46 and that the base url is that public url of our service
0:53 that will mean we just have a little less to look at at each of the detailed steps. Okay, to create a new post, in code, what we are going to do is
1:01 we are going to create a new post dictionary and set the values that we have control over, title, content, view count and published.
1:08 Remember, there is also id but that is server generated so there is no point in passing it or trying to come up with one
1:14 because it's just going to be created by the database anyway, then we set the url to be the base url/api/blog,
1:20 not a particular id, just the general collection, and then we are going to do an http post to that url and the body is going to be the dictionary,
1:28 we say the json objects, the dictionary is going to be converted to json, now, one note is I actually in my code when I did the demos,
1:36 I set the headers and set the body type, where the content type is json actually if we set the json property request knows that that has to be the case
1:45 and it's going to set it for us so we can skip that header step it turns out. Now, when we are done, we better check the response code,
1:52 the standard response code for some sort of post like this is 201 created,
1:56 so if it's not 201 that's a problem, but if it is, we can just access the data by calling .json convert our server side post
2:06 into just a simple Python dictionary and we're off to the races.

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