Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Consuming RESTful HTTP services
Lecture: Welcome to the blog explorer app
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Let me introduce you to the application that we are going to be using throughout this whole modifying data section and even a little bit afterwards.
And I am calling this the blog explorer. So it's using this service that we've already seen in the previous video,
and this is our blog service and notice I am defining this base url, the reason is we can also run this locally and we could switch this out
like a local host version which is included in the github repository with instructions how to set it up and run it and all those kinds of things.
So if you are somewhere without internet, you can replace this with the local version and run that,
So the idea basically is it's going to work around this concept of posts and a post is going to have id, title, content,
it's going to have a published date, as a string and it's going to have a view count, so what we are going to do is we are going to write a little app,
here you can see the made method and it's going to give you four basic options, you can show the post with a list command,
you can add a new post with the "a" command, you can update a post with the "u" command and you can delete a post with the "d" command.
Now, just be aware there is some pre existing posts which are shared by everybody who uses the service,
and those you can't update, you'll get a message about that, but the ones you create you can update those and delete them,
so what we are going to do next is we are going to work on getting this list post to work,
you can see there is no real implementation other than this show bit here. So I'll go and run it and show you we can say I would like to list
and it says to do get post soap because the get post is not implemented,
there are posts to show, if I do update, or delete, all of those just say look,
you got to write this, but this structure is in place for us to go to in the next set of videos,
the one thing that totally works right now, you can exit.