Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Consuming RESTful HTTP services
Lecture: HTTP and REST building blocks
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Let's take a moment and discuss the http and restful building blocks.
So where are we in our course, we are back sort of focused generally on the http clients,
so what are the building blocks that make up these http services and to even larger degree restful services?
You'll see that restful services technically are like a specialization of http services,
they are basically http services with a certain number of criteria not all http services,
maybe most don't actually support every restful principle let's say. So what are the building block? Well, obviously, the http or https protocol,
these are things that transfer over the internet, over the same protocol that web browsers use.
And they focus on resources, so the way that you describe stuff in your API often is some kind of noun, or set of nouns
and we have resources or URLs that point at these resources, so imagine we're basecamp, we might have users /api/users,
we might have projects /api/projects, maybe a particular project so /api/project/7 or whatever,
and then unlike the traditional remote method in vocation type or services
that are made up of verbs and actions, so things like get users, log in, and so on, we'll see that these http services are built upon nouns.
And the way that we perform actions on them is with the http verbs, so we might do a get again, /users/one,
that means give me the details about user number one. Maybe we want to create a new user, so we do a post against /users, things like that,
so it's the http verbs plus the nouns that are the resources, that together make up our http services.
Now, most services you run into, kind of stop there, if you are talking about restful services there is a couple more levels
we got to go into so you might have resource discovery, so APIs like basecamp and other sort of well known APIs github and so on,
they list exactly what their resources are, but certain types of restful services don't, the just say start here and we'll give you a bunch of URLs
and then you can explore further, using those URLs, so that is resource discovery. The other thing that we could do but many services don't,
is content negotiation, at a super low level, maybe you've got a /users/one and you have the ability to either access that
and get the result back as json or as xml, so if you set the accept type header either in your client or your browser,
you are going to get whatever you put there, so json gives you json, xml gives you xml, you could even go so far to say
I accept an image and it will give you the profile image back. But, most services really say you do this request, "you get some json,
you do that request, you get some xml", it's a little less dynamic but if you talk full restful services, this is typically part of what is included.