Consuming HTTP Services in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Initial HTTP GET requests with the requests package
Lecture: Installing requests in PyCharm
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So we've been able to create this virtual environment, that's great, however, let's get this into PyCharm, let's load up our project
and let's actually register this environment as the one that we are going to use to execute all of our code.
So over here, I actually get cloned the service demos, these are the demos that you have access to on github,
and I've actually just renamed them so the name isn't so super long. And on OS 10 or macOS you can just drag and drop this
into PyCharm or even Sublime text or Visual Studio Code, lots of these editors support that. And it will open the project.
Okay, cool, so here we are, now how do we take our virtual environment which is over here in this Python/environments/consuming_svc/bin,
this executable and make it the Python that we are going to use in PyCharm. Well, we can come over here and we go to settings,
and there is a project interpreter, notice right now, it's just the system wide 3.6.0 so what I want to do is
add a local virtual environment. If you want to do this entirely from PyCharm
and not use the command line to create the virtual environment, that's fine, you can just use create virtual env, but because we already have one,
we are going to go and do add local, now over here, I am already in this directory, because you can see here is the Python
so I can just say open. on windows it's start. And I could take this over here and say okay, I want to use this,
and let's go and drag it down here and say whatever that is that is the path.
So now you can see it's a virtual env at Python/environments/consuming_svc_env,
and everything looks good, it looks like we technically could upgrade this here, so we can go ahead and upgrade setup tools
and that will happen in a second, great, install a few other things. Alright, now, when we run some code, PyCharm will now use our virtual environment.