Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: MongoDB edition
Lecture: Connecting to MongoDB
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Now, let's get started with MongoDB. We're going to do something very similar to what we did with our relational database
and we're not going to write in raw SQL. When we did our relational stuff we worked with SQLAlchemy and classes.
Same thing here, we're not going to write in the lowest level query syntax and just exchange dictionaries with MongoDB
which is the lowest level, by the way. We're going to use something that is sort of a parallel or the equivalent of SQLAlchemy
something called MongoEngine. So, let's start by adding that as a requirement here. Notice now, we're running 3.6.
You may not have noticed before we were running 3.7. At the time of this recording 3.7 just came out and MongoEngine does not support it.
There's some incompatibility. They have a fix in GitHub. It's not yet published to PyPI. I'm going to go ahead and install that.
That's good, and apparently, I have an old pip. So, this is the old pip in my new virtual environment, right? We have MongoEngine satisfied.
Great, that was super easy. That was the same as putting SQLAlchemy here. The other thing we did with SQLAlchemy remember, we created this DB session
with the connection string and then we created the engine with the connection string and then we created the session factory from that
and all those things? Well, we're going to do all of this but we're going to do it a lot simpler for MongoDB because it is simpler.
Now, I may well just put it into data. If I was doing a fresh, from scratch only MongoDB site here I would just make a data folder
and put stuff in there that is MongoDB-related not SQLAlchemy-related. But one of the steps I want to do for you
in this chapter is to convert, to import all of our data from a relational database into MongoDB. For that to work easily
we're going to still want these to be around because we need them to do that transformation. So, I'm going to create a second folder
and we'll call this nosql. But really, data would be appropriate if it weren't already taken. So just like we have this DBSession.factory
I'm going to create a new file called mongo_setup. And we'll define a function, just like we said before
global_init, and it'll have a db_name, which is str and it's going to do some really, really simple stuff for a simple case.
And then, I'll show you a slightly more advanced version that you will have to use in production with all the various settings you have to pass.
So the simple version is we're going to import mongoengine. I'm going to come down here and say mongoengine.register_connection.
I'm going to pass an alias. So this is like the shared database connection name. We'll reference this later.
And then the name, it's going to be the name of the DB so we'll say pypi_nosql. We'll just call it that. That seems decent.
And that's all we have to set. The host, the port, all those things are going to default across. Though I guess if we're passing the name
let's say DB name here we can even just default it. So we call it like this or we can override it. Okay, great, this is the simple version
and this is all we're going to need but let me just drop the real, quote, real version that you'll need for a real complicated remote server
with authentication and encryption and all that. So instead of this nice simple version which is our localhost version this'll totally work
we're going to have a slightly more complicated version with our default name there. So here's the version what you just saw
but here's the version that we're going to use for actually connecting to MongoDB in production with SSL
and authentication, and usernames, and passwords and remote servers, and all that stuff. Okay, so this is what we need to get connected.
I'm going to just put that away. Let's go to our init_db. We're going to not do that stuff anymore, are we? We're now going to go mongo_setup
and we got to import that of course. I think that that needs to be package sub-package so let's do this. That was it. So now we're going to import that
and we'll say global_init and we won't pass anything just going to do the defaults no user, no password, localhost everything, just like that.
And this is it. This is enough for us to talk to MongoDB and it also will do all that create table equivalent stuff.
Okay, so this step is going to get us connected.