Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Deployment
Lecture: Configure the server

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0:00 All right, so let's just start running some commands on the server. We need to install a couple of dependencies to make sure we have Python 3 in place.
0:09 Now, if we go to our server we should already have Python 3 in because we chose a new version of Ubuntu
0:15 we got 3.6, which is pretty modern, that's nice. However, that doesn't give us things like pip for example.
0:24 Or pip3 is really what we are after or Python3 -m venv. Oh this one actually works sometimes the older one, it didn't come with it.
0:34 So there's these various operations like super simple stuff we need like pip that aren't there. So let's install our build essentials
0:39 and git that's not already there, Python3, pip and the dev tools and so on. So we're going to install, let's do those three right there.
0:51 Yeah, looks like the last one didn't run, okay, good. So those are all set up. Now we're going to install Nginx.
0:58 Great, so it looks like Nginx got installed okay. Now, one of the things that's nice to set up gzip support in uWSGI is to help our files over the wire
1:08 be a little shorter, be a little smaller a little quicker but we need some dependencies and so we'll just drop those in there.
1:18 Okay, great and then let's go ahead and set up this thing called Fail2Ban and that means if somebody tries to continue to login
1:24 and they keep failing and failing it's a system service that will block that IP address from attempting to log into our servers.
1:30 So, this is always nice to have around. And while we're at, let's turn on a software firewall and we'll say we want to listen to SSH traffic
1:42 HTTP and HTTPS and nothing else. Those are only things we want to let in and on this one we're going to be carefully watching
1:50 to make sure people don't abuse it. So we're going to enable this. It says are you sure you want to enable it?
1:56 If you don't put 22 in here, you're never coming back. We did, luckily so it's active. Let's just logout one more time and make sure
2:03 we can get back in. Good deal. Now, one of the things we're going to do is some Git commands and it's super annoying to me
2:10 that I've go to keep typing them over and over every time. My password is incredibly long. So let's just run this command here which says
2:19 once we type it as long as we don't reboot or anything for whatever however many seconds 720,000 is
2:26 just remember this so I won't have to type it again, great. And also, we'll put our name, our e-mail and our name
2:33 if we're going to do any checkins at all, we have to do this. Same for the name. Okay, so Git should be up and running
2:43 and we should have already installed it from when we did our dependencies before. I think I saw it already there.
2:48 Now what we want to do is actually go and create a section on the hard drive where we check out our apps, where we have our logs
2:56 and things like that. So let's just go do all those things. There we are, great. Now we're going to do a couple of things.
3:03 We're already here. We're going to create a virtual environment. Now this virtual environment is just like the virtual environments we've been using
3:11 throughout the course but this one is going to be on the server. Now the server is technically just dedicated
3:16 to this web app and we could use the system-wide install in sudo pip and all that but I find that we have a little more flexibility
3:24 if we create this and we decide something goes wrong and we need to recreate it, we haven't busted the server
3:30 so we're going to create a little virtual environment and we're going to activate it. Notice the prompt change to venv
3:40 and then we're going to pip install -U pip and setuptools. Those are probably out of date. Let's make sure they're updated.
3:49 There you go, much better. pip 10 setuptools 40. So we've already done that step. Let's go and install a couple of management tools
3:56 that are really sweet, httpy, which will let us it's kind of like curl but nicer. And then Glances lets us look at the process. All the processes.
4:07 So we'll install this into our virtual environment. So now we can run Glances, see what's going on on the server.
4:15 Make it a little bigger, even get progress bars. So you can see over here, Glances is running. Let's sort by memory, press M for that.
4:23 And we probably see things like Fail2Ban over here. Yeah, here's our Fail2Ban server that's already running from before. Here's our Glances.
4:32 Not a whole lot else is going on. Because we haven't done anything with the server. It's about to get interesting though.
4:37 Let's do one more thing, see this command source or dot venv/bin/activate? If we log out and we log back in we ask which Python, it's the system one
4:49 it's not the one that controls our web app. What's the chances that we want to modify the system one versus the one that controls our web app
4:55 when we log in here? Zero. So let's do this. Let's go in here, and at the bottom of our bash let's have it activate.
5:09 So now when we log out and log back in we ask which Python, oh yeah. So now, just by virtue of logging in
5:16 we've already activated the virtual environment that we're almost always going to be working with. There may be some drawback to some weird command
5:23 you need to run but I find this is much nicer, you won't forget to enable and use that virtual environment. Alright, we're very, very close
5:31 the next thing we need to do is get our code over here and start configuring it and making it run. We'll do that next.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon