Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Testing web apps
Lecture: Concept Testing view methods
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Next we want to test these view methods or action methods as I sometimes call them, and again we're going to use
a fake request that we pass to it, but the result is going to be different. Now this view model we're going to look at, but we're going to
get whatever model would be sent to the template or whatever response is sent back to Pyramid. So we're going to see how to do that right now.
Let's do it in demo form first. In some sense it's going to look a lot like what we just did with our controller, and let's go and do a test
for packages here, let's go and do a test for packages over here. So we're going to have the same imports as we had before
and we'll have a class called PackageControllerTests and it'll be unittest.testcase We're going to define a test somethin' or other
let's say package_details, we could test for things like when we request one that exists, we'd get the details
and when we request one that doesn't exist, we'd get a 404 things like that. So, call this Success.
So again, Arrange what are we going to do here, request This time we're going to pass data over in the URL so we need to set something, and let's see
we're here in our PackageController what we think we're working with. So we're going to get this, and it's going to go to vm.package.
How does it know that? Well it thinks package name is being passed. So, great. Let's go and set that to SQLAlchemy.
That seems pretty solid. So our fake request is set up now we need to actually import that method. So we're going to go over here to controllers.
let's say, from that, PackageController, we want to import details. Alright let's just go look real quick. Yeah that's the one we want.
So we're going to send the details, and we should either get this back or "Not Found." Now the Act part is interesting, what are we going to do here?
We're going to come over and call details, we'll say model equals details of request, and the Assert
want to assert model package, actually let's get the package back. I'm going to say self.assert is not None and that the
that's assert equal we'll get a better message here assert equals SQLAlchemy as a string. Again, we'll get this annoying little type check.
So press it like so. Alright, this almost works. This almost works, let's run it and find out whether it works. Hmm, it doesn't work.
Again this DBSession is not call-able, again what is happening is we're calling this, and it's going to the database, let's fix that.
So we need to come up with something to patch and some test data that will return. So let's see, first of all, what the problem is.
We're calling PackageService.find_package_by_name. So that's what we're going to patch. PackageService.find_by_name, that looks good.
And let's just have it return nothing for a minute. See at least it's getting there, it's changing the error this is not going to work all the way.
Beautiful, dict has no releases. So it made it through, it made it through down to right here, notice that it's going through releases
when it gets it back, right there. It checks do we have it, come back and so on. I think we might have found a bug. Awesome, we found a bug!
Notice this, we're checking here for our 404, but we're actually not checking in the view model here whether no package was returned.
So we'll test for that in just a minute but we'll write a test that finds it and then we'll fix it. But for now let's stay focused
on actually working with real data here. So the problem is this thing that we return has to be test_package, a real honest-to-goodness, test_package
we can do, so let's go over here and say test_package = Package(), like so. Import that locally, again to say
= 'SQLAlchemy', releases = we could put a release or two in here if we really wanted like that, probably we should set the values
but let's just go with this for a minute. Now, when they call this function we're going to give them this SQLAlchemy back
I'm going to check, hey, we actually got this thing returned to us, that is the package. We got a model passed to us that contains the package
that is the right one. So let's try to run this and assert that it works. Oh, yeah, it's working! Fabulous!
Run our package tests, and that one's great. That's the one we're looking for. self.assert equals such and such.
Oh it says assert equals is deprecated please use that. Fine, still passes.