Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: User input and HTML forms
Lecture: Concept: One source of data

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0:00 Let's review this concept of having just one source of data rather than four or five being passed in from these different sources on request.
0:09 So we saw that if we just create just a few lines of code the simple create function that takes your request and returns this thing we created
0:16 called a request dictionary which is really a fancy dictionary that lets you do sort of arbitrary dynamic access
0:23 into its keys as if they were fields or attributes rather than dictionary style with .get or square brackets and things like that.
0:31 Then what we're going to do is we're going to pass in the request and we're going to say "Let's go and get the query string
0:36 and the headers and the Post and the matchdict and all of that stuff and merge it into one super dictionary." And if there's data that is in both
0:44 like say in the matchdict and the Get the last one wins. So in this case anything in matchdict is going to override anything in the query string.
0:53 And then if we just use this in our action methods it gets so much simpler. So over here in our registered post
1:00 we say create us one of these dictionaries when we say d.email_address d.password where email_address and password
1:07 these were the named input elements in our form. This is certainly an optional design pattern but it's very very useful to help just centralize
1:17 where all this data is coming from.

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