Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Database migrations with Alembic
Lecture: Concept: Getting started
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Let's take a moment and review the core concepts of using Alembic and I think the place to get started is getting started.
The way we're going to get started is we have to make sure we have Alembic. We simply get that by pip install alembic
make sure this is the virtual environment that you want it to be in, okay? So that works great; let's go install
then we need to initialize the project structure just once, so we say, alembic init alembic first one is a command, last one is the folder
and then it's going to go through and create all the structure and says don't forget you have to set your connection string
in Alembic.ini or this isn't going to work. Afterwards, you have a project that looks a little bit different;
you've got an Alembic folder and here we have versions. They're going to be initially empty but as you apply
as you create revisions they're going to be stored in here and chained together as we saw. Some scripts that are used to generate the SQL
and run Alembic so environment does things like tells Alembic what your sqlalchemy models are the is actually going to generate
the SQL structure that's going to be sent to the database things like that. And finally, we have our Alembic.ini that configures how Alembic runs.
In order to use Alembic, you have to configure it so there's a whole bunch of settings in Alembic.ini but the one that you probably care about first
is sqlalchemy.url and then you just set it to whatever your connection string is. We're using SQLite so it's sqlite:/// the name of the file
and we're able to use a relative path I think this may only work if you run Alembic from the right location
so do that. Turns out that's pretty easy from PyCharm cuz the terminal always opens in the right place.