Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Modeling data with SQLAlchemy classes
Lecture: Creating tables
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With our connection and engine set up it's time to create the tables. One way the wrong way would be to go to the database
and actually start using the database design and modeling tools to just go and model the stuff. Because we've already got that right here.
In fact, we need those to match exactly. So it's better if we just let SQLAlchemy do it. So, it's actually super easy here.
Let's go down after we've done this bit and if we can import our SQLAlchemyBase which we can, it has metadata right there. And on the metadata
there's no help from PyCharm here but it does exist when we say, create_all and pass the engine. So, if the database doesn't exist
whatever connection string info we gave it here it will create it and then it's going to create the tables and the primary keys and the relationships
and all that stuff based on all of the various types that derive from this. There's one really big caveat that's easy to miss here.
By the time line 27 is run every single class that derives from it must have already been imported, so SQLAlchemy has seen it.
If you import those afterwards, too late those tables are not getting created. So I'm pretty sure right now, the way this is working
is it's going to be failing So we need to do something kind of like this. We need to go over here and say from
import package, release and user, and whatever. Alright, so we got to do this for all of 'em. So we got to do it like this.
Now that, expanding out of all the ones you need turns out to be super error prone so let's add one little trick here. And add one more file.
Now let's call this all_models kay, and over here I'll say, well exactly that. So we're just going to list everyone here from packages, import package
and we define release and we're going to import that and we define languages, we're going to import that and let's tell PyCharm
"Hold on, no this, I know it looks like this does nothing," "but for the moment, we need to have this here."
"It actually has an effect that you don't realize." "So thanks for the help, but not this time."
And then over here, we can just make this a little simpler. We can just import it like that, and we'll put that little, you know
"PyCharm, please ignore this." So that way, we can just model it right here and it doesn't matter where where we do this import
but that's a really not obvious thing but you have to basically, before you run this import every single model or it's not going to work.
However, with this in place and if we call this function, it should work. So let's go to our __init__ down here we're going to include the net routing
let's have a init DB config. And we'll come down here and we'll just put that at the end. And this should be pretty simple so we'll say, "DB session,"
import that and we'll just say, "global_init," and we'll have to give it a file. What file do we give it? Well, let's make a little folder
'cause this is SQLite, we'll just make a little folder called DB and we'll put it in here, okay? If we were using, say PostCraft, like I said
that we'd just give it a regular connection string like here's the server. But we're going to need this, so how do we do that? Let's say, "DB folder."
We'll use the os module, yeah? So come over here and say, "path.absolutepath" "of some stuff, we're going to say, os.path.join"
And what are we going to put in it? We'll say, "os.path.dirname of wherever we are." So, we're going to be in the PyPI folder just __init__.
So we want to be in the PyPI directory and then down here, we're going to say "The next thing we want is DB."
And then the next thing we want is pypi.bin or let's call SQLite, how's that? Want that right there. And we'll just pass DB let's call that file.
'Cause it's not just the folder, but it's the file. Great, now if we run it we're not using the config for now so let's put an underscore
probably need it later if we say "Store different DB settings in production" "and development" here. But now we don't need it.
Alright, so when we run this we should see it print out a path that's located here and actually create the database files.
You'll notice there's no little expando chevron thing here. There's no files in there. Let's run it. Well it didn't crash, that's a good start.
It's creating this, you can see way down there. Now, if I go over here say "Synchronize." Oh look, look look look what we got! How cool is that?
Okay, so, it's really nice that this is here how do we know what's in it? Did it actually create that packages table or did it not?
Well, in PyCharm that's easy to answer. So we come over here and we can drag and drop this and it'll open up if, if if if it's a big if.
So you got to go here once on your machine and go "datasource SQLite serial" and then notice here it has driver.
It looks like it can update the driver files but sometimes it'll say you have to download the driver files 'cause there's no file.
So we can download 'em again just to show you what that looks like. Alright, apparently that's updated. That's cool.
We can come down here and expand this out in the schema and main and look! There's our packages. Primary key with an index ID. Right, there's that.
We got a create date, which is a datetime. Our summary which is varchar. Our license which is varchar. There's a lot of varchar happenin' around here.
But there is our database with our one table and notice it's named packages plural not upper case P package singular. You go over here, say "Select,"
"star from Packages where author email" look at that, beautiful. Beautiful beautiful. If for some reason you don't have the pro version of PyCharm
you can use this app DB Browser for SQLite. Come over here and find the file. And you get the same thing, right? So here you go, it's not.
I dunno, maybe it's nicer or maybe it's not quite as nice. I haven't used it that much but this is also another thing you can get for free.
Just google DB Browser for SQLite. Either way, our database is all up and running. Now this is only the beginning of course
but we've created our database and we've got a lot of stuff in place. Really all we have left to do is just to expand out all the other various tables
we're going to work with.