Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Adding our design
Lecture: Stats slice
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With our hero in place, the next thing just let's work top to bottom to focus on is this, what I'm going to call the stats slice.
And that's here we have number of projects, number of releases, number of users. Now what we're going to get is getting a little bit of gray
a little bit darker, and then three little segments maybe in the middle third. Alright, let's do that. So here's what we're working with.
We've got a divet that is PyPI stats and in there we have stat, stat and stat. Let's go and put that down here. We have the stats.
This part is still going to be the gray slice so we'll set the padding at 10 px and 0 so up and down but not on the right.
We'll set the background color. Now, I've already copied this, or copied it down before. It's ec, ec is the gray, so let's see how we're doing already.
Looking pretty good. Color seems to match, but of course the text pieces not so much. Let's set a border bottom
one PX solid and then a little bit darker is going to be d3. How does that look? And there's a little border coming in some orderly on the top.
I'll have the same thing, and then let's set everything to align center. How's it looking now? Better, looking better.
Of course, that stuff's not vertical. It has new lines in it because these are divs but we can tell them to be in-line blocks
rather than block display, which we will fix those. So let's focus on that part now. So those are going to be contained within here
and they have the class stat so we can set their style right here. The display is going to be an in-line block
which should fix that wrapping or new lines. I set the width to the other all equal space to 170. If you wonder how I came up with these numbers
I was just playing with it before and that's what I came up with that seemed decent. So now they are kind of spaced out like we were hoping.
Let's do a little bit of padding. Font size is 16, and then the color we have set to this Again, I just got this straight off PyPI and wrote it down
so we could use it here. There we go. Now it's looking pretty close. It's not exactly right because we're not using
the same fonts, so let's go ahead and fix that now. We're going to use fonts from Google some of Google's free web fonts, and let's go ahead
and put those right here like so. So we're going to use Source Sans Pro and we're also going to use Font Awesome as well.
So let's go ahead and drop those in there, and that way we can make things look a little bit nicer.
So if we come up to the body, come up here and set the font to be Source Sans Pro or Helvetica or Arial and then just some kind of Sans Serif.
So now we should be a little closer. There we go. Now, that's the final step to make these two look exactly the same, okay, besides the Nav bar.
That's pretty good, right? I think that little slice is here. Now, no data is being passed in, right? We're not actually computing that yet.
We'll do that when we get to the SQLAlchemy section. But for now at least the place holders are there
and then when we get here we just need to say something like this project count, like that, something to that effect. Maybe a little more formatting.
But we don't have those numbers yet so we're just going to leave 0 for now. Alright, that's the first two slices.