Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Bootstrap and frontend CSS frameworks
Lecture: Running in a real web server

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0:00 Two quick parting thoughts. One, thee lorem ipsum, the filler text that I put here is not standard for ipsum, it's what's called
0:10 hipster ipsum, so if you just search for hipster ipsum you know ipsum like that and hipster you'll get a slightly more entertaining filler text here.
0:20 So we have like Etsy, bicycle rides, Kickstarter gentrify, Buschwick, Brunch Craft Beer, and so on. It's kind of fun to play with.
0:28 So you can go and generate paragraphs of text there. And also, even though this is not a Python site sometimes you need to run the HTML page
0:39 in the browser to get it to work right. What we're doing, that's not true but in PyCharm, even on plain HTML pages
0:46 and come over here and say run and it opens over here like this. The reason it looks a little bit different than that one
0:52 is I have this one zoomed like that so you can see the differences a little more clearly. There you go, so now you can see it's actually
0:58 running in a proper web server. Sometimes that matters for JavaScript and things like that.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon