Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Bootstrap and frontend CSS frameworks
Lecture: What we'll cover

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0:00 So far we've kind of ignored design for the most part and we're not going to go deeply into design in this course.
0:08 It's not a course about CSS and HTML and web design but we should cover enough that you understand the design tools that are in place as well
0:19 as be able to bring in extra things, like themes and stuff that are really easy wins for making your site look better in a hurry.
0:28 So let's briefly talk about what we'll learn in this chapter. We're going to do a quick survey of what are called
0:33 front-end frameworks, or front-end CSS frameworks. These include things like Bootstrap and Foundation but there's actually many of them.
0:41 Even though the template you start with comes with Bootstrap in Pyramid you don't have to stick with Pyramid.
0:47 We will for this course, but you don't have to. And so you will have a nice sense of what's out there and what the trade-offs are
0:54 because we're going to use Bootstrap. It really is the most popular one and it's what the templates come with. We'll go ahead and use that.
1:01 So we'll do a quick introduction to what Bootstrap is. A few of the features are super-important to know
1:05 and really helpful, so we'll talk about grid layout and a few of the controls like buttons and widgets. And then we're going to bring it all together.
1:13 Remember right now, it's just that red starter Pyramid project look and it's fine for a single page that you just want to show off like a picture
1:21 but it's not really a proper web design. So we're going to see how to use things like layout macro pages and so on to bring it all together.

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