Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Routing and URLs
Lecture: Concept: Using the routes
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All right, let's real quickly review using the routes creating and using the routes. So, we start out going to config this is in
Go here and we say add route and we give the route a name and a URL. And that URL may or may not contain variables. We saw in the release example
for an individual release there's actually two variables interspersed into the URL there that we could grab out which is pretty awesome.
And then we're going to create a view method and apply the route name to be the name passed there. And then things will be better for you
just keeping track if you do some organizations. So we'll use the help template in the home folder. The name of the function is help and so on.
But there's no reason they have to correspond other than it helps you link these things together because there's no other real way to know
what links where. To get the value passed in the URL. So if somebody said /help/installing We're going to go to the request. We'll go to the matchdict
then we say get topic and it's going to give us installing. And what I've done here is I've passed overview as a second parameter there
so for some reason no topic is passed or it's not found we're going to pull back some kind of default help we can show them instead of showing a 404
like here's an overview of the thing. You asked for help that didn't exist. So you're going to get just an overview.
And that's really is all there is to it.