Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Routing and URLs
Lecture: Demo: Routing, loading the project
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Alright let's start writing some code to do with routing. Let's being by reviewing the Git repository.
Now we have Chapter 6 that's the chapter that we're on and again, here is an exact copy of what we're starting with.
This is just copying over Chapter Five's materials the template stuff. It's going to stay that way, this one is the one
I'm going to work on, so this one is changing. Now, I'm not going to go over and over again setting up this in PyCharm.
If you need help with that be sure to check out the previous previous chapter where we did that. But I will show you one quick thing
I'll go ahead and go through the steps and have a shortcut for the rest of the things going on here. So let's go over to this folder.
Now over here remember where the development.ini and production.ini there's no venv There's no virtual environment.
And there's a couple of steps to go through creating it and activating it and it's also good to update pip and setuptools cause
setuptools at the time of this recording is 11 versions out of date, oh my goodness. So instead of typing that over and over again
I've created this alias venv, which runs Python3 -m venv, virtual environment called that and then it's going to activate it
and then it's going to update the tools and then just let you know it worked. So I'm going to be running this from the rest of the time
and this is the thing I've created, it's not a Python thing so either make a batch file, or put this in you
bash.rc or your .bashrc or zshrc whatever you're using. Okay, look's like everything is good notice it activated it, and even
got the new version right there. Okay so we're going to just drop this under PyCharm. Let's go ahead and add that vcs root.
Alright, in this chapter what we're going to do is we're going to build up the routing URL structure and the basic sort of layout in
terms of the views and what not. We're not going to implement all of them, but at least we'll get some place holders in place.
We'll just make sure things run and click down here we should have our virtual environment. We do. The one in routing looks like it's working.
Now remember for this to work, we also have to say Python develop, we can do that here. Or we can go over here if we click.
in the right spot right there, see it runs setup task develop would be the same thing. Okay, you should be able to run this.
Looks like it's working let's just make sure we can open it up, great. Everything's good here's our fake data that we showed. Alright.