Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Your first Pyramid site
Lecture: Demo: Creating the starter project PyCharm

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0:00 Over here in PyCharm, let's go create the same type of app that we did on the command line interface but this time using PyCharm.
0:09 Here you can see we don't have any recent projects it's just basically bare. So we'll say "Create a New Project" and let's use Pyramid, okay great.
0:17 It says we're going to create a new virtual environment and it's going to create it in the folder, doing exactly
0:24 exactly what we did, so we don't have to expand that out. And we want to set the location so let's go and say this is on desktop
0:34 just call this "PyPI Web" or something like that, okay. And we can also, this is important come down here to more settings.
0:42 Remember there are the different templates? There they are again, and this is going to use basically the same thing.
0:48 And let's go and switch that to Chameleon from Jinja2. Okay so we're ready, we're going to do all the stuff of running the Cookiecutter:
0:56 it's going to install Pyramid it's going to run the right template for us create the virtual environment, activate it all those things, ready? Go.
1:06 They're just creating the virtual environment. Now it's installing Pyramid. So if we look over here, we've got our PyPI Web
1:17 and everything is pretty much up and running. I'm not sure it's going to totally work yet, notice
1:23 it's doing some indexing down here, give it just a moment. PyCharm knows that this project is not installed into the virtual environment.
1:32 You can see if you just click on this terminal and all which virtual environment it is you can ask again which or where Python
1:38 and it's this new one that we just created and it knows in here that this is not set up. So it knows we need to run Python develop
1:47 or I can just click that, and it's doing it for us. See up here above it also says these packages are required
1:54 but that setup action actually installed those packages so it kind of solves two problems at once. Alright, now how do we go run our app?
2:03 We don't have to type pserve develop, we just press this. and let's click it and see what happened, are we ready? Ta-da, same thing.
2:12 Our starter template has been used to create a new Pyramid project, this time we just called it PyPI Web
2:17 it was generated not by Cookiecutter, but by PyCharm. Really cool, pretty much exactly the same thing but a whole lot simpler.
2:25 All we had to do was click Create New Project, Pyramid give it a name, and then click, it will go ahead and set up this package to be run and edited.

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