Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Your first Pyramid site
Lecture: Creating the starter project CLI
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I don't know how you feel, but I think there has been enough talking. It's time to write some code and start creating some software.
So, that's what this chapter kicks off. We're going to create our first project. And we'll see that there's actually a couple ways to do this
either with a command-line interface which applies everywhere or a simplified, shorter way with PyCharm. I'll show them both of you.
But let's talk about how we get started in Pyramid in general. So, every web framework has its own style of scaffolding
or the putting the structures in place so you can get started. So, here, what we're going to use is a thing called Cookiecutter.
So, Cookiecutter is an arbitrary Python utility that takes starter projects for all sorts of things for Pyramid web apps but also for Flask and Django,
and even old Atari-type things written in C and you can create projects from them and sort of get a headstart on that structure.
So, we're going to use the Cookiecutter packages for Pyramid to do this. This is the official way recommended by the Pyramid folks.
Once we've installed Cookiecutter just pip install cookiecutter, we're going to use it to create a site. Now there's several different types
of templates we could use. Within those projects we have choices like what templating engine do you want to use, or things like that.
So, there's a lot of flexibility here but we'll just start with what they call the starter site. We're going to create a virtual environment.
This typically, the virtual environment you want that to reflect what you're running on the server what your target environment is
and the way to control that really carefully is have a dedicated separate Python environment for your web app. So, we'll do that here.
Not required, but very much recommended. And then we're going to register the site as a package. Pyramid's decided that their web applications
are best deployed as packages and manages packages. So, we'll see that there's an extra command that you have to run here and say
"Here's the package that I'm working on, "install it into this Python environment." Not much to do but it's easy to forget
so I'll show you how to do that. And finally, we're ready to run our application. We're going to serve it up, interact with it.
We'll add some features, and then we're going to go back serve it up again, test it and we'll just keep adding and adding and iterating.
So, these first four steps, we're going to do to get started and of course, you just build software over time
by adding feature after feature after feature. And so as I said in the opening, we can use PyCharm or we can use the command-line.
First, let's talk about a way of doing this that works for everybody no matter what OS you're on no matter what tooling you're using.
This command-line interface path will work for you. It takes a couple steps but once you get used to it it's no big deal at all.