Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing the Pyramid framework
Lecture: Get the back story
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Before we move on from our introduction of Pyramid, I want to give you a little extra information if you want to go deeper.
So, obviously, I run the Talk Python To Me podcast and over at, so Episode 3, you can see I interviewed Chris McDonough,
who was one of the creators of the Pyramid Web Frameworks, who, if you want to hear a conversation going deep
inside from the creator of Pyramid himself, well, then, drop over here and you can have a listen. It's about an hour long.
Similarly, we're going to talk about SQLAlchemy, and over at I interviewed Mike Bayer, who is the creator and maintainer of SQLAlchemy.
Also, similar story, go deep inside and learn the history and the features of that framework.
Obviously, I'll tell you everything I think you need to know to build the web apps and do the data access throughout this course,
but if you want to get a little bit deeper and learn the personalities behind all this stuff, then definitely check out the podcast.