Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Meet your instructor

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0:00 Now, before we get to the rest of the course, let me just quickly introduce myself. Hey, I'm Michael, feel free to reach out to me
0:08 on Twitter where I'm @mkennedy. I've done a number of things in the Python space, one is create the Talk Python To Me podcast, where I've interviewed
0:15 a lot of people who were involved in these various technologies, Mike Bayer from SQLAlchemy, Chris McDonough, the founder of Pyramid.
0:23 I'll talk a little bit about some of those episodes when we get to the right place and how you can learn more.
0:28 But I started and run the Talk Python To Me podcast. I also run the Python Bytes podcast which is sort of a news one. Check that out.
0:36 And of course, I'm the founder and one of the main authors at Talk Python Training. Nice to meet you, I'm really excited you're in my course
0:43 now let's get started.

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