Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Student expectations and pre-reqs

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0:00 This is not an introduction to Python course. We do assume a little bit of working knowledge. We assume that you have basic Python programming skills.
0:11 I would say if you're, what you might consider an advanced beginner, you're totally good to take this course. We're going to use things like classes
0:19 and decorators and functions and so on but we're not going to describe what a class is or describe what a function is or things like that.
0:27 So make sure you have some basic working knowledge of Python in order to take this course. If you don't, consider taking my Python
0:34 Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps course. That's all about learning Python. So here we assume that you know Python.
0:41 We also assume that you know a little bit of HTML. That if you look at HTML, at least you can make sense of it you know what, say, an attribute is
0:49 what a class is, things like that. We're not going to be doing too much advanced stuff with HTML. I'm not sure if there is such thing as advanced HTML
0:57 but we're not going to be doing too much with it but of course, this is a web class and we're going to be doing a lot of HTML
1:04 but I assume that you can work with standard markup. Similarly, we're going to be using CSS and I'll talk a lot about what the selectors
1:12 and classes and design mean, and especially when we get to the bootstraps section and applying that to our website.
1:18 So we're not going to assume you know tons of it but we're not starting from scratch with CSS either. So basic HTML, CSS, and Python knowledge
1:27 that's what we assume you're starting with and then we're going to build our full-stack web app from there.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon