Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: MongoDB edition

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0:00 The kind of final wrap up. We said what if wanted to take this web app that we created and completely replace the database backend?
0:08 Not just switching something from like MySQL over to Postgres, but no something that's really different like MongoDB that's a document database
0:16 that doesn't even have the same data style of programming. And it turns out the design patterns we use
0:22 those services for talking to things like the database the view models, and all that I mean we could just change a handful of files
0:30 really easily, rewrite a couple queries and we are off to the races, talking to MongoDB. We use Mongo engine which is a pretty close match
0:38 for SQLAlchemy, a little more modeled on the Django ORM, but those things are also quite similar. So that was mostly to show you
0:46 just how awesome the design patterns and everything we put into place are but if you want to use MongoDB
0:51 you also have a cool MongoDB version, which I do recommend.

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