Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Database migrations

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0:00 ORMs are great, SQLAlchemy is great except for once you're in production if the database doesn't exactly match
0:08 what your SQLAlchemy classes think they should be remember, it will crash. Operational error, or some column doesn't exist something like that.
0:16 So how do we solve that? Manually syncing the database for every change we did? No. We set up Alembic.
0:22 And we told Alembic to automatically look at our classes and remap our database schema with migrations to make that happen.
0:30 So there's a couple manual steps you got to do here but once you get it set up it's pretty easy, you just run a command
0:36 apply that change by saying alembic upgrade head.

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