Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Themes

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0:00 We saw that using Bootstrap in our page made it look a lot nicer. You don't have to use Bootstrap, you can Semantic UI
0:07 or some other front-end framework. There's a bunch of decent ones these days. However, Bootstrap is really nice
0:12 because there are a ton of themes, and because we can just take those themes and plop them into our shared layout
0:19 include a few CSS and JavaScript files and images we can go from this really bad page to including just Bootstrap.CSS to make it look a lot better
0:28 and then dropping in one of these themes to making it look, honestly, quite incredible. Don't forget to check out the themes
0:33 remember we talked about places like Start Bootstrap and WrapBootstrap and whatnot, or you can go and check out
0:39 the themes they have them all gathered up some are paid, some are free. Definitely take advantage of these if you can.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon