Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: MongoDB edition
Lecture: Importing the data from SQL to Mongo

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0:00 It's looking like our app is working pretty well. If we go and run it, try to pull up the home page here you see, hey it looks like it's working.
0:08 It turns out when we have actual data there's a few minor tweaks we're going to have to change. That's not a big deal.
0:14 The bigger deal is that, well, there's no data here. We have zero projects, zero releases, zero users. How do we get that data in there?
0:22 We did have this load_data here where we took a JSON file and imported into SQLAlchemy but that's not what we're after.
0:30 What we want to do is take the data that's in SQLAlchemy and put it in to MongoDB. So I'm going to show you a cool technique
0:35 how you can take any database you connect to through SQLAlchemy, go query all the data and then transform that into MongoDB
0:43 MongoEngine classes and save that into MongoDB. Basically, migrate data from one database type to the other. So let's go create another script here.
0:58 So we have this file, now it's a little bit complicated and not really worth you watching me type it in so I'm going to paste something here
1:04 and we're going to talk through it real quick. So we're going to go and initialize both database connections. One to MongoDB, as well as SQLAlchemy.
1:13 Because we need to read the data from SQLAlchemy or SQLite and then push it into, save it into MongoDB.
1:19 And then, these three functions here, they all work basically the same. The first question is, are there any users?
1:26 If there are, we probably already run this don't have to do that. So be careful of the start with zero but then it will not override it.
1:33 Then we just go and do a query against SQLAlchemy for all the users. Get them all and then we loop over them, one at a time
1:40 we create a MongoDB user, set the properties and then call save. Hash password is SQLAlchemy's hash password. Name is SQLAlchemy's name. And that's it!
1:50 If you have a ton of data insert, doing a save one at a time can be pretty slow, so you can do bulk inserts as well with MongoEngine and what not
1:59 we don't have that much data. We're not doing it. All the others, they're pretty much the same packages, and releases, and so on.
2:06 So I want to show you a quick trick we're doing up here that's kind of cool. We're working with package, right?
2:11 So here's a package class and here's a package class how in our code do we know which is which? Well this one is the MonogDB one and this one
2:18 is the SQLAlchemy one. So we're importing is as SQL package Mongo package or SQL user and Mongo users.
2:23 That's just a cool technique to help you remain sane while you're trying to run this. So let's go ahead and run this and see what happens.
2:33 Takes a second, it's doing some work, and it's done! So let's go look over here and we can do our query again.
2:43 Go show me all the packages. Ta-dah! There they are. How cool is that? We're got our ID name and email created.
2:49 We didn't copy over maintainers, because it turns out we we're storing them in SQLAlchemy, so there's really no way to copy them over.
2:55 Also, MongoEngine does not insert unmodified values. Okay, so notice that some of the values that are not here they're simply just not in there.
3:06 This is the package we want to move on but still, we don't have the maintainers copied over. Right? You can see it's just the values that we've set.
3:13 These times are the ones that come out of SQLAlchemy not just the default ones, right? So we copied all this over, saved in and it's good to go.

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