Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: MongoDB edition
Lecture: Not a MongoDB course

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0:00 Now I want to just set expectations before we get into this. This is not a full MongoDB course. I'm not here to teach you absolutely everything
0:08 about managing, deploying, and working with MongoDB. I actually have two courses on that. I have a free one called MongoDB Quick Start with Python.
0:16 And then a paid nine-hour one, seven hours quite long and involved, MongoDB for Developers with Python. Either of these courses would be great
0:25 if you really want to dig into Mongo. The free one gets the basic ideas in place. The paid one definitely covers the whole lifecycle
0:33 of working with it and using it for your app. So this is not going to cover everything. We're going to cover just like a sliver, like just enough
0:41 really lightly for you to see how to make this change and evolve our code, and more or less appreciate the design patterns, okay.
0:50 So we're going to go quick and we're not going to cover everything. If you need more resources, here are two good ones.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon