Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Testing web apps
Lecture: Concept: Testing the full web app

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0:00 That last set of tests we wrote were the full integration tests. We fired up the entire web app the blueprints, the routing, the view methods
0:09 the view models, all at once and we fed URLs to it and we checked what happened. Ideally, those go to the right view methods that we were intending
0:18 and then generate the right response. But that's what our tests are meant to check. There's a lot of setup to make that happen.
0:25 Not a lot, but some that you don't want to repeat. So we created a pytest fixture called client that would put the app in the right configuration
0:33 it would create a test client register the blueprints things like that and then pass off the actual object that we're going to use.
0:40 Then, when we want to write a test here we want to test the home page, it's super easy. The arranged part is just a no-op
0:47 because that's what the pytest fixture does. Basically, that's the arrange. And then the act is just to issue a git
0:53 to forward slash, capture the response and check that the status code's 200 and that the title we're expecting
0:59 is in the data for the response, that's it.

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