Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: User input and HTML forms
Lecture: Login form

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0:00 So, it looks like register is working well How about Login? Well, you know, not so much it looks more like the about page.
0:10 Even though, yeah, it is a login. We haven't created the form for this one either. And in fact, it's so super similar to what we got going on over here
0:18 just varies by a tiny, tiny bit that we're just going to grab a bunch of this and copy it over. So there we go, this is all the same
0:29 except for we don't need to ask for their names just email and password now for them to login. We still need our arrow bit and, oh look at that.
0:37 I think actually we're pretty much good. Let's try our login again. Maybe not so much. One more thing. Go over here and we'll say
0:46 login to PyPI and then we can also add like a little gray thing that says don't have an account. Go over here, forgot your password, go over there.
0:56 But you know, you can add that later. So, login to PyPI. I do this. Submit. It's now posting back to the login.
1:03 Host method and we're going to have to fill that out. Kind of like we did before, but this time it's going to be a lot easier.

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