Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: User input and HTML forms
Lecture: GET-POST-Redirect pattern
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Before we actually start writing some code let's talk about this thing called the get/post/redirect pattern. Now this is a super common pattern
that you see on server side web frameworks and it almost entirely eliminates that weird problem where you see things like
Hey, this forum has been submitted Are you sure you want to resubmit it? If you refresh the destination page or other weird stuff like that.
So it's a really nice pattern, its super clear and its easy to implement in HTML and in Flask. So let's go through the concept here
so our server side we've got our server and we've got a database and then some body wants to talk to our website
so here they are on their laptop running whatever browser they run and what they going to do is they going to go and request a page on our site.
So let's imagine they went to register so they will go over here and they'll do an HTTP GET that is just click on the link for /accounts/register
and that page will display an HTML form it'll ask them questions like What is your name? What is your email address? What password do you want to use?
so your going to type that out and edit it locally. So they've done the get and they're making their changes and when they are ready to register
they click submit on that form. As we saw that's often a POST so it's going to do a HTTP POST with that form data back to the server
will do a little validation and says Super, new user I save them to the database. Now what what do we tell this user?
Do we just leave them on this register page? No, we want to take them somewhere to their account page, to some kind of welcome to our site.
So we're going to send them a 302 redirect a temporary redirect to /welcome. And that's it that's the get/post/redirect pattern
we do a GET to get the form, we edit it we do a POST to submit that data, to save it and then the server does a redirect
to where you actually want you to be. And on the /welcome if we hit refresh it doesn't go Warning! Warning! You submitted a form.
No, it just goes, Alright well we'll refresh the welcome page. Really, really nice pattern, its super easy to implement in Flask as we will see
and I totally recommend you adopt this. Now if we go look around like say on Wikipedia you'll find some thing like this but named differently
they call it the post/redirect/get pattern so you can look that up here, the URL at the bottom. I don't like it because the thing
that starts the whole process is not the POST the thing that starts this process is getting the form you fill it out and then you do the POST
and then you do the redirect, hence get, post, redirect. They call it post, redirect, get. I guess it depends on where you put the focus
but it's effectively the same pattern and you can learn more about it here on Wikipedia.