Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Bootstrap and frontend CSS frameworks
Lecture: Why Bootstrap themes are awesome

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0:00 Themes are one of the things that make Bootstrap super, super awesome. Every now and then you'll hear people say negative things about Bootstrap.
0:08 Oh you shouldn't use Bootstrap real designers don't use that. Or whatever, yeah, but what you're going to see in this little section here
0:16 is going to jumpstart your project so much that you know what, let people say you shouldn't use Bootstrap. All right, I think it's wonderful.
0:23 We also talked about Bootstrap being more popular and this is one of the benefits. There's not nearly as many themes around Materialize
0:30 or the other, less popular front-end frameworks. Because this is the most popular one there's not just themes, there are sites entirely dedicated
0:38 to open source themes, even selling you themes for relatively affordable prices. So let's dig into that.
0:45 So remember, we started out with this dreadful page. This is a truly, un-styled HTML page. Should be scary to anyone who needs to make it look pretty
0:54 except for those who have decent amount of experience with web design. However, dropping just the Bootstrap's CSS on the page
1:00 made it feel like, okay, yeah this is looking better. Yeah, yeah, we're making a lot of progress. But the next step, is much bigger, much bigger.
1:09 So if we go to one of these Bootstrap theme sites and we grab a theme and we drop it here it goes from terrible, to decent, to incredible.
1:18 Right? Look at the difference. These are not even in the same category. We're going to be able to find themes like this last one here
1:24 that are beautiful and you know drop it into our common layout in our template and just, boom, our site is going come alive.
1:32 So you definitely, definitely want to at least tour or look through some of these theme sites
1:37 and see if there's something that really catches your eye. A lot of them are free and open source.
1:41 And if they're paid, they're usually super, super affordable.

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