Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Bootstrap and frontend CSS frameworks
Lecture: Buttons and forms in action
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Let's open up our project again and now we're going to create some kind of login form using all the Bootstrap things.
We're going to use the stuff to style forms in Bootstrap and the stuff to create buttons, of course to submit those forms and navigate around.
So, just go over here and create a new HTML file call it buttons, here we go. Now, let's just go and make a little room here
and we're going to have a form, and in the form it's going to have an action that posts back to this page
so that's going to be fine, and the method will be post. In our little form here, let's have a couple of inputs.
One of type = texts, we could set the name to be email, so it'll get submitted back and let's do another input, type password
the name, you guessed it, password, like that. And let's have a button here and on the button
I'm going to have type = submit and the message will be login but also maybe if you don't have an account
we'll just have a button that says, or hyperlink for the moment, that says register. So, we'll call this register.html
we can make that in a second, and this'll just be register, create an account, you know, whatever. Let's really quickly create that.
We won't do anything with it, but just so it works when we navigate over to it. Let's see this beautiful site that we've created how are we doing here?
Oh, that's good looking, isn't it? Well, I guess it's good looking for 1995 but no, it is not. However, our form is in place
and we can submit it, you see the little flicker right there, or we could go over and register. So, it's kind of working.
I don't know what those are, right maybe that's an email, username, I don't know something like that. So, let's do a little more work here
say a placeholder, this is going to be email we'll do a placeholder and this'll be password and then let's make them both required.
Here we go, that looks a little bit better when we try to submit it, say that it's logged in and we could even do one better here
instead of being type text, this could be type email. So now, if we just put stuff in there it'll say no, no, no, that's not an email address.
Super, okay, well it looks terrible. Let's make it look better with Bootstrap. So, the first thing that we're going to do
is we just have to include Bootstrap in our page. Now, normally this would happen, kind of automatically in Flask, right?
We would just be using our common layout theme and we'd wrap up our little content in that so this would happen automatically
but for this one, we've got to do this and just doing that, let's have a quick look and see how it looks now. Well, maybe without the thing.
So, it already looks better, you know there's still more to do, it doesn't look like a Bootstrap form, these aren't buttons
from Bootstrap but it does look a tiny bit better. Let's add just a little bit of style here we would normally put this in a style sheet
but I'll just put it in a style tag just so it's all together and simple right here for this super simple example.
So, let's go to our inputs and say that they have a margin of 10px. Here we go, that looks a little better. And then, let's say that we have a form
and the form has padding of 20px. Still looking kind of boring, but a little bit better. The last thing to do, let's focus on the buttons.
Right, that's the primary part of this what we're trying to focus on right now. So, we have two things here.
Like I said, they haven't taken on any Bootstrap styles cause we need to add certain classes to them. So, in order to get this to work, we need to say
that this has a class of btn. Now, Bootstrap likes to have these, sort of category and then modifier classes
so we would say btn, and then what kind of button btn- we could have danger, we could have dark we could have success, we could have primary
things like that, okay? So, let's go with success here, and just see what happens. Do a quick little refresh, ooh. That's looking a lot nicer.
It's a little bit bigger than the form so we can also form input, so we can say it's a small button. It's not perfect either, but I feel like
that's slightly better. And we also have this one, so this is actually an HTML button, right, this one is a hyperlink.
But it doesn't matter, we can apply the same basic class to it. But instead of doing success, let's say this one
is danger, now, we don't really mean danger but it makes it red, and red tends to convert well or get attention, or so on.
So, here you go, just as simple as that we have a true button that submits the form or attempts to submit the form and then one that's also a hyperlink
that just navigates us away.