Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Bootstrap and frontend CSS frameworks
Lecture: Buttons and forms

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0:00 Another really visible aspect of Bootstrap are buttons and, related to that, forms. So let's take a look at them. Here's Wistia, the sign-up form
0:09 where you can create your account on Wistia. Now Wistia is a video hosting company. I don't really use them for anything
0:15 but they're a pretty cool company and it's a decent login page. It's kind of nicely styled and somewhat unique.
0:21 And notice, there are a couple of buttons here. We have a button down at the bottom which is going to submit the form in HTML.
0:27 That's actually a button in HTML as in angle bracket button. Probably has type equal to submit or something like that. So this is actually a button
0:36 that HTML itself knows will submit the form. Up here, we also have a button. But that's not actually a button. It's just a hyperlink.
0:43 These could look exactly the same. Or they could be slightly different like they are here. But the idea is we have this concept of a button.
0:50 I click on this big thing and it does button-like stuff. It does some action. Whether or not that's buttons or links in HTML doesn't really matter.
0:58 My rule of thumb is it's a button if submits a form otherwise it's a link. That's pretty much the way it goes.
1:04 But the visual aspect and the conceptual aspect of a button and whether or not it's actually a button or a hyperlink in HTML those are separate.
1:10 And Bootstrap lets us easily style both hyperlinks and buttons in this way.

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