Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Routing and URLs
Lecture: Demo: Routing, loading the project
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Let's dig into our project for this next chapter. So over here we have a new folder, Chapter 6 Routing.
And again we're going to have the code we're starting from and the final code for this chapter. Right now they're the same.
They're both the final code from the Jinja template one but that's not how it's going to stay. So let's go over here and set this up.
We won't do this every time But I'll do this a time or two, do it this time so you get used to it.
Come over here and you can see where our requirements are and stuff like that. Now let's go and create a virtual environment. I have a little shortcut
you can see the little command at the top. So that's activated and lets load this up in PyCharm. All right, we have our project all setup.
Let's just check again that our template is set right. Python template languages, Jinja2. Okay, good, that is all set up.
Now, it looks like our app is about ready to run. Let's go over here and just try it real quick. Of course we do have to install our requirements.
Good that PyCharm is keeping us honest. Looks like it was installed. So we should be able to just go over here right click and say run.
Super, it looks like our app is back in business. There's not a whole lot going on that's interesting there yet but it is getting there.
Hide away our fake data for now. We'll get back to that. So that's it. Our app is up and running. Time to add some features.