Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Your first Flask site
Lecture: Concept: Creating the starter project PyCharm
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We saw it was super fast and easy to create a new project a Flask app in PyCharm. Most of the time it was just me talking.
I think if I just typed it would be like 10 seconds or something ridiculous like that. But none the less, let's review the steps really really quickly.
Here we have PyCharm. It loads like this if there is no project loaded. Otherwise, you will have to go to the file menu or something like that.
We're going to go over here and hit create new project. It defaults to pure Python but you want Flask, and then remember the steps.
We're going to install Flask and other dependencies create the directory structure, and what not. So, right here.
New virtual environment, that's checked by default. More settings, Jinja, and a templates folder checked by default. So we're going to install Flask
create the virtual environment and it also creates the all at once. Boom, this is what we get. Now you saw we probably want to add
a little more structure to the directory layout here. But you can do that along the way as you add your first CSS file
as you add your first view model and what not. Here we are, quick and easy, just like that. Then if we want to run it
we're just going to click this little button here. It's going to fire it up. Set a couple of environment variables. Flask app is
The environment is development. And you saw if we want to edit that run configuration we can toggle the debug true or false.
Off it goes, click the link in the bottom here and ta-da! You now have your Flask app all put together laid out and running using PyCharm, super easy!