Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Your first Flask site
Lecture: Demo: CLI starter site
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Now we're going to both use PyCharm as well as just the command line interface to create our first little demo site.
Let's get started by choosing the command line interface. With this way you're going to see all the little steps every single thing that you got to do.
With PyCharm, you might check a few boxes and push some buttons, and things that you'll see here will happen behind the scenes.
So, this might take a few more steps but it's also going to show you exactly what's going on. So, here we are on my computer.
And we're over in the GitHub repository for this course. What we're going to do, is we're going to go into
ch04_first_site. The first three chapters had no code. It's time to rectify that for the rest of the course by the way.
So, we're going to start at chapter four. And we have first_site final, and starter. Remember, when I talked about following along
I'm going to show you, or provide you the code that we start with and end with for each chapter.
Well right now, the starting code is basically non-existent but in the future, maybe we've already set up the database in SQLAlchemy
and now we want to add some kind of form input or something. We don't want to rebuild the site from scratch
so we're going to kind of have these save points along the way and we're going to work over here in final. Now the first thing that we want to do
let's go into there, just copy that. See it's empty. So what we need to do, is we're going to go
and create a virtual environment, that was our first step. Or what I could do is I could type Python3 -m venv venv
That will create it. And then I could activate it. And of course, pip and setup tools are always out of date so we could then go and upgrade those.
But what you'll see me do throughout this class is I have a little alias that I've defined, that does those three steps.
All right, so I'm just going to run that here. And we can see the prompt changed and if we ask which Python it is now, this one right here.
By the way, sometimes people ask me how I get this shell and this little git status tracking and so on. This is Oh My Zsh or Oh My Zshell.
Check that out, that's very cool. I definitely do recommend it, but it's not required. Okay, so now we have this, the next thing to do
is to go and make our folder structure. So we've got our app right here. Let's suppose that this directory that we're working in
actually, we'll just make a directory called first_site or something like that. I want to go into first_site, and in here
we're going to have things like templates and a static folder and those are kind of standard. We're also going to have something called views
and this is where we're going to put all the view methods. And we're also going to have something called viewmodels.
So, this is a design pattern that I really like that I have adapted to the web. And I think it is super, super powerful.
We have a whole chapter on it later. Let's just make the structure for it now. And make another one for data, so where our data models go.
And then finally, let's not throw everything just into the root of that static folder. You're going to have a lot of static files
so let's make a static js, a css and an img. You can make them short, long names, javascript, or js whatever, it doesn't really matter.
So now if we look here, we have all the stuff and we upload of it, we have our virtual environment. If we look down here, you can ask for a tree
and we can ignore the rich environment we don't want to see that. Here's what it looks like. We have our first_site, we have data
we have our structured static file here. We've templates, view models, and views. The other thing that we need to do is we need to have our
and probably a good idea to have our requirements.txt I also like to have the -dev. The reason is, I want to put stuff for
like, testing, continuous integration other helpful tools for me in here that don't get installed on the server, but, you know
I always install this one when I'm working on it and then this is like the production line and the bottom one imports the top one.
Okay, so now everything's up and ready to go. We're going to need to edit our And just so we don't talk to PyCharm yet
let's just open us up Visual Studio Code. And we just have to do a few things. We're going to have flask, we're going to
define an app from flask, we'll say flask.Flask. I'm going to pass that dunder name in there and then we're going to have a method.
That's going to be our view method. So I have an app.route. So we'll just have a quick index method here
takes no parameters and it's going to return hello world. And the simplest thing to do is say There's better things to do in practice
but that's what we got. Okay, so we should be able to run this assuming that we've edited or somehow installed our requirements.
We'll work on that in a moment. Let's just pip install flask. Now here we are with our app. We can just say Python
Looks like we have our flask app running. Notice it's running in production. We'll talk about how to alter that as we get into a real app.
But for now let's just see what we got going on here. Well look at that, hello world. Make it more impressive, I'll zoom it.
There you go, hello world. That's our app. So we've got our basic structure here. Our tree that we can look at
so we've got our first_site and all that code here. The reason I put this in a sub-directory is we ultimately may want to install this as a package.
It makes some of the testing and other things slightly easier when we do that. Slightly easier for her to parts without worring
about partial relative paths and things like that. So, that allows us to put the and other stuff
outside of the site itself, that's typically how that goes. So, here's our code. We've got our static section
our templates, our view models, our views. Haven't done too much of that yet but this is the general structure we're going to use to get started.
We'll put flask in here, maybe pytest in there and whatnot as we go. But this is our first_site, and this is how you do it on the command line.