Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy Transcripts
Chapter: Introducing the Flask framework
Lecture: Get the back story

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0:00 Finally, you might want to get the back story. You probably have heard of my podcast, Talk Python to Me. Well, over there, I interviewed David Lord.
0:08 And David Lord is the person in charge of Flask these days. He helped it go 1.0, he's overseen many of the building blocks of Flask
0:17 things like Click and Werkzeug and things like that. So, if you want to hear his story around Flask
0:23 and the update for where it's been and where it's going check out Episode 177 to Talk Python to Me that's
0:32 And similarly, if you want to get the back story on SQLAlchemy which we haven't spoken much about yet, but we're going to
0:38 that's going to be our data access layer I also interviewed Mike Bayer long long ago you can see back in 2015 I interviewed him
0:47 and you can check that out at So, if you're the type of person that really likes to hear the personal side of these
0:55 technologies and the history and so on check these out, they'll help a lot.

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